

The Tenders Board Act that was enacted in 1991 and amended in 2002, (collectively “Tenders Board Act”), provides oversight and regulation for public procurement across the public service in Antigua and Barbuda. In order to streamline the public procurement process and fully engage the local private sector, the Procurement and Contract Management Act of 2011 (“2011 Act”) was enacted to replace the Tenders Board Act.

The purposes of this Act are to simplify, clarify and modernize procurement, to make procurement by the Government transparent and more particularly to: —

(a) encourage public competition in the procurement process except to the extent that the circumstances or size of the procurement make it impracticable;

(b) foster and encourage broad participation in the procurement process by persons in Antigua and Barbuda and, where required under an international or regional agreement, to persons outside Antigua and Barbuda;

(c) provide for increased public confidence in the Government procurement process by maintaining safeguards to ensure its integrity, fairness and transparency;

(d) ensure fair and equitable treatment of all persons who participate in the procurement process; and

(e) provide increased economy in procurement activities and to maximize to the fullest extent practicable the procurement value of the money of the Government.

Procurement as a Development Tool

In order for development to get to the grassroots, the local economy must be developed.

For the government machinery to function, goods and services are acquired through procurement.

With a well-managed procurement system, it is possible to engage the local private sector.

Expression of Interests will create ideas and new ventures in the local private sector.

This will allow small business to grow, and will:

  1. Provide jobs;
  2. Increase technology and local manufacturing; and
  3. Improve infrastructure

Additionally, with the new procurement structure, regional and international companies will be encouraged not only to grow their business by participating in public procurement, but also to participate in economic activities in the local private sector.



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  • INVITATION TO BID: Website Design and Development Services

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  • INVITATION FOR BIDS: Construction of Royal Gardens Road

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  • INVITATION FOR BIDS: Construction of Herbert’s Road

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  • INVITATION TO BID: Construction of Concrete Roads – Piccadilly Development Project

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  • REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL: Construction of a Two-Storey Science Lab Building with Civil Works

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  • REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL: Development of Contact Tracing App and Website COVID-19 Pandemic

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  • REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL: Construction and Assembling of 150 Vending Booths

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  • EXPRESSION OF INTEREST: Contract for Project Manager

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  • INVITATION TO BID: Supply of Computer Systems Sixty-Two (62) for Secondary Schools AND Thirty (30) for Primary Schools

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  • BEPII – Consultancy Services: Design and Construction Supervision for Schools

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